Players will receive the Tar Trap very early on and are encouraged to always keep it on their Hot Bar as they are quite essentially for stacking damage and ensuring that mobs are slowed down enough to receive damage from other Traps. Luckily for players, they don’t have to think twice about obtaining the Tar Trap as it is provided to all players simply for completing the Great Room. The following guide will take you through everything you need to know about the Tar Trap and the ways you will want to use them. While the Tar Trap can be used in combination for any Trap, they tend to be more useful when placed in tandem with Traps that consistently deal damage without requiring a cooldown as this will essentially mean that Mobs have a higher chance of getting twice, if not more times. The Tar Trap is may not seem very powerful to players at first, however, when players begin coming up with strategies to make kill boxes and mazes by using Barricades, players will not that they can combine the damage from Traps such as the Grinder or Ceiling Laser, so mobs can essentially receive more damage before they leave these areas.
#Best traps in orcs must die 3 upgrade#
The reality is that if you’re playing Co-op, players will only need a single member of their team to carry the Tar Traps, though if both players have Tar Traps it is quite essentially that they have different upgrades as they the Tar Trap has two very useful upgrade paths that players can access, unlike many other Traps. While less powerful than previous renditions of the Tar Trap, in OMD3, the Tar Trap is still a very powerful Trap to use especially against the quick Kobolds.

While Tar Traps don’t deal damage, Tar Traps are considered to be an essential Trap for players to use as they will slow down enemies and make sure that enemies have a higher chance of taking damage from Traps due to the fact that it buys time for traps to reset.