This apparent oversight is presumably due to the fact that the Odd Egg is not obtainable in the Japanese Virtual Console version of Pokémon Crystal, making it impossible for these Pokémon to know Dizzy Punch in the Japanese Virtual Console games.

Poké Transporter cannot transfer these Pokémon to Pokémon Bank if they know the move Dizzy Punch. In the international versions of Pokémon Crystal, there is a 14% chance the hatched Pokémon will be Shiny (IVs 2/10/10/10) and an 86% chance it will not (IVs 0/0/0/0), but the chance of any particular Pokémon species hatching from the Egg and the chance of any given species being Shiny are not uniform. In the Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal, there is a 50% chance the hatched Pokémon will be Shiny (IVs 2/10/10/10) and a 50% chance it will not (IVs 0/0/0/0). Additionally, Shiny Pokémon hatched from the Odd Egg will always have Grass-type Hidden Power with power 49, while non-Shiny Pokémon will have Fighting-type Hidden Power with power 31.Īll Pokémon hatched from the Odd Egg hatch with 125 total experience while this is the minimum experience for a level 5 Pokémon in the Medium Fast experience group experience group (most possible hatched Pokémon), this results in 25 excess experience for Pokémon in the Fast experience group ( Igglybuff and Cleffa), which only need 100 experience to be at level 5. Due to gender being determined by IVs in the Generation II games, this means that all hatched Pokémon will always be female (except Tyrogue, which is always male). Pokémon hatched from the Odd Egg can have one of two different sets of possible IVs ( Attack/ Defense/ Speed/ Special): 0/0/0/0 (not Shiny) or 2/10/10/10 (Shiny). Im looking to play one of these hacks, but not sure which one. This change was likely due to the Mobile System GB not being a part of the international version of Pokémon Crystal. The Shiny Charm does not apply here as you cannot legitimately receive the Shiny Charm before obtaining your first Pokmon, silly. In the international versions of Pokémon Crystal, the player could receive the Odd Egg from the Day-Care Man at the Pokémon Day Care on Route 34. Your odds are a fixed 1 in 8192 in Generation IIV games and 1 in 4096 in Generation VIVII games. Because the Mobile System GB is inaccessible in all Virtual Console releases of Pokémon Crystal, players of the Japanese Virtual Console version of the game cannot receive an Odd Egg. The player could exchange the Egg Ticket for the Odd Egg by talking to the Pokémon Center Nurse in the Trade Corner at the Pokémon Communication Center in Goldenrod City.

The Egg Ticket was distributed as an event via the Mobile System GB and could be picked up from the Day-Care Man at the Pokémon Day Care on Route 34 if the player had received the event. In the Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal, the player must have an Egg Ticket in order to obtain the Odd Egg. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.However, the pool of potential Pokémon to encounter in an Ultra Wormhole is quite small, which makes SOS calling the best way to find the majority of the game's beasts. Jumping in one of these will net the player a Shiny in no time. There's a staggering 1-in-3 chance to find a Shiny in one of the non-legendary, top tier Ultra Wormhole exits. In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon there was yet another feature, the Ultra Wormhole, that doled out Shinies much more rapidly. RELATED: Pokémon: 10 Pokémon Whose Abilities Make No Sense PKMN.NET is one of the largest Europe-based pokemon sites filled with not only plain information, but also other features to make life online that bit more interesting PKMN.NET :: Shiny Crystal Pokmon :: Sprite Resource Gold/Silver/Crystal Welcome.

Every time a new critter shows up, the Shiny rate increases up to 1 in 1024.

If the player keeps their weakened Pokémon alive, uses an Adrenaline Orb to increase the call rate, and knocks out all of the Pokémon that show up to help, it's possible to get Shiny Pokémon incredibly quickly in Pokémon Sun and Moon. This could call in another wild Pokémon to make the battle a 2-on-1 fight. If a wild Pokémon was weakened in battle, it had a chance of calling for help at the end of the turn. A new mechanic introduced in the seventh generation, SOS calling was a cool new way to up immersion as well as a great way to Shiny hunt.